Dario Sostegni

talk Friday 15 Nov H 11:00
DAS – Dispositivo Arti Sperimentali


with Titivil, Just Indie Comics

chair Dario Sostegni

A dialogue between two realities with a similar purpose but different perspectives - both geographically and chronologically - in regards to independent comics and publishing, which will delve into their approach to the work and research surrounding comics: on one side Titivil as a more comics-focused association, and on the other Gabriele Di Fazio from Just Indie Comics, who offers a perspective closer to critical theory and dissemination.

Entry: libero

talk Sunday 17 Nov H 11:30
DAS – Dispositivo Arti Sperimentali

Corpo a corpo

chair Marco Libardi, Ilaria Tontardini, Dario Sostegni

with Joe Kessler, Gwénola Carrère, Dominique Goblet

Gwénola Carrère, Dominique Goblet and Joe Kessler, the core trio of international artists at the center of #AOA24, will reflect on the theme of the festival - the frail balance between the environment and us - and on how it takes shape in their works, which all share an experimental approach and the intent to push the boundaries of the comics language towards ever-new directions.

Entry: libero

With the contribution of Wallonie – Bruxelles International