Samuele Canestrari

Samuele Canestrari is a visual artist specialised in comics, illustration and animation. His illustrations have been published in magazine such as "Internazionale," "Gagarin Cultural Orbits," "Malamente". His first comic book, Gli Uominicane non hanno la coda, came out in 2018 for the publishing project Libri Somari, which he founded together with Ahmed Ben Nessib. The following year he published Mosto, a collaboration between Libri Somari and the publishing house MalEdizioni, and made his first animated short film. In 2020 he published, together with Marco Taddei, Il battesimo del porco (MalEdizioni), and with Luigi Filippelli Corpo smembrato (Eris Edizioni). He collaborates with Tricromia Illustratotr's International ArtGallery in Rome.
Exhibition 23 Nov 2023 - 26 Nov 2023
talk Saturday 25 Nov H 11:00
Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna - Aula Magna

Arts & Crafts

Tricromia Illustrators' International Art Gallery

with Emilio Varrà, Samuele Canestrari, Giuseppina Frassino, Ahmed Ben Nassib, Sara Colaone, Beatrice Pucci, Otto Gabos

Tricromia International Art Gallery - which is celebrating  more than 30 years of activity - was one of the first in Italy to deal with comics and illustration when these languages were not yet fully legitimized in the cultural discourse. Today it is a home gallery, a combination of the private space of its founder' house, Giuseppina Frassino, and the public space of the gallery. While retracing the history of Tricromia and its space, Frassino and a group of artists who have collaborated with her over the years tell the story of Italian comics as well.

The talk will be in Italian.

Entry: libero

Duration: 1h30

Curated by Tricromia Galleria d’Arte, Modo Infoshop.