18 November 2023 - 8 December 2023 Quartiere S. Stefano - Sala E. Possati Complesso del Baraccano, via S. Stefano 119 (ingresso accessibile: citofonare in Piazza del Baraccano 1) Opening times
Regular opening hours
Monday, Saturday and Sunday: closed
Tuesday and Thursday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday and Friday h 8am - 2pm

Aperture straordinarie
Saturday, November 18  h 6pm - 8.30pm
Sunday, November 19  h 11am - 5pm
Friday, November 24  h 2pm - 8.30pm
Saturday, November 25  h 10am - 7pm
Sunday, November 26  h 10 am- 7pm
Saturday, December 2  h 11am - 5pm
Sunday, December 3 h 11am - 5pm
Friday, December 8  h 11am - 5pm
Telling stories with images means creating space. Comics, and the ways they represent spaces, can give us insights on our own ways of living at a time in which urban spaces are becoming more and more uninhabitable, new meanings of wild and natural are emerging, and alternative forms of community living are spreading.

Qui? Come abitare oggi? is a dialogue between five artists who are trying to turn our fragile, transforming relationship with spaces into visual narratives.

Jérôme Dubois strips urban spaces of any emotional filter, highlighting their hostility. Marijpol depicts the lives of characters at the edge of society, challenging binarisms and questioning the need for new kinds of communities. Lisa Mouchet, keen observer of domestic spaces, draws houses that are living, shape-shifting creatures capable of deception. Sammy Stein combines different materials, artistic and narrative techniques to evoke a sense of nostalgia for a lost future. Erik Svetoft draws universes where the organic, the artificial and the undead live in a symbiotic relationship, and where space exists independently of those who inhabit it.

Their works are hints of a new way of representing space. A space that wants to be the protagonist, and refuses to follow logical rules. 
Under the patronage of Quartiere S. Stefano. Sponsored by Institut Français Italia, Goethe-Institut, Swedish Arts Council.