Manuele Fior

Manuele Fior is one of Italy's leading cartoonists and illustrators. His illustrations have appeared in magazines such as "The New Yorker" and "Vanity Fair", newspapers such as "la Repubblica", "Le Monde" and "Il Sole 24 Ore". He has worked as an illustrator for major publishing houses such as Feltrinelli, Einaudi, EL.
He made his debut in comics in 2006 with the short story collection Rosso Oltremare (Coconino Press), followed in 2009 by La signorina Else (Coconino Press), an adaptation of Arthur Schnitzler's novel of the same name. With Cinquemila chilometri al secondo (Coconino Press) he won the Fauve d'Or award for "Best Album" at the Angoulême International Festival in 2011. This was followed by L'intervista (2013), Le variazioni d'Orsay (2015), I giorni della merla (2016), all published by Coconino Press - Fandango, and the two volumes of Celestia, published by Oblomov in 2020. With the U.S. edition of Cinquemila chilometri al secondo he was nominated for an Eisner Award in the "Best Painter" category.  His latest graphic novel is Hypericon (Coconino Press - Fandango), published in 2023.
talk Saturday 18 Nov H 18:15
Quartiere S. Stefano - Sala Prof. Marco Biagi

From Here to here

with Emilio Varrà, Sammy Stein, Manuele Fior

To reflect on the ways in which contemporary comics represent spaces, it may be useful to look backward. Manuele Fior and Sammy Stein, for whom architecture is a core element of  drawing, retrace the history of the comics language to understand what has changed in space and in the way we draw it.
Incontro in italiano e francese, con traduzione consecutiva.

Entry: libero

Duration: 1h15

Sponsored by Institut Français Italia.