Laurent Bruel

Laurent Bruel is the editorial director of Éditions Matière, a French publishing house specialized in comics, which he co-founded in 2003. He studied Industrial Design and Art History; in 2000 he was part of the group that founded Dojo Cinéma, a film production unit.
He is also an author: among his books are Notes sur le cinéma hollywoodien (AAPM, 2001), L'Origine du judo (interviews with Igor Correa and Rudolf Di Stéfano, AAPM, 2002) and Junomichi (Budo éditions, 2010).
talk Friday 24 Nov H 12:00
Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna - Aula Magna

Arts & Crafts

Éditions Matière

with Laurent Bruel, Ratigher (Coconino Press - Fandango)

Founded in 2003, the French publishing house Éditions Matière has an original approach to comics that continually challenges the boundaries of the language. Its catalog includes "classic" comics but ventures as well into other forms of sequential storytelling, experiments combining comics and theory, and attempts to relate drawing to contemporary arts. Editorial director Laurent Bruel talks about the philosophy behind Éditions Matière with Ratigher, cartoonists and director of  the series "Brick" for Italian publishing house Coconino Press - Fandango .
The talk will be in Italian and French.

Entry: libero

Duration: 1h30