Alessio Trabacchini

Alessio Trabacchini has worked for some of the most important comics publishing houses in Italy: Coniglio Editore, NPE, Castelvecchi, 001 Edizioni. He currently works as an editor for Coconino Press - Fandango. He has  collaborated with several other Italian publishers (Utet Grandi Opere, Coconino Press - Fandango, ComicOut, Edizioni dell'Asino, Lavieri, GRRRžetic) and with cultural and visual arts magazines, including "Lo Straniero," "Blow Up," "Gli Asini," "Hamelin," and "Il Tascabile." He was one of the curators of BilBOlbul International Comics Festival and is currently one of the curators of Passaggi festival. He co-edited many academic publications and essay collections about comics and graphic novels. 
talk Thursday 23 Nov H 18:00
MAMbo Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna - Sala conferenze

Vibrant Matter

with Sammy Stein, Alessio Trabacchini

In her book Vibrant Matter, philosopher Jane Bennett extends the concept of vitality beyond humanity. Her theory does not contemplate the idea of the human at the center of an inert world, but finds vitality in artificial matter,  decaying organisms, all those things that are not commonly considered subjects. Some aspects of this theory of life can be found in Sammy Stein's art. The setting of his stories are often full of ruins and glassy, metallic or artificial matter that look more alive than the humans who supposedly created it. Stein talks about his way of understanding and making comics, from the drawn page to the materiality of his installations.
The talk will be in Italian and French.

Entry: libero

Duration: 1h30

Sponsored by Musei Civici Bologna | MAMbo, Institut Français Italia.